News & Events

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Event Type: News & Events
Event Location: Hyatt Regency Kathmandu

The International Rice Conference

The International Rice Conference, organized by FeedTheFuture, USAID, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MoALD), took place on December 20 and 21, with the primary objective of fostering self-sufficiency in rice to ensure sustainable economic growth in Nepal. IIDS took on the responsibility of overseeing and facilitating the management and moderation of the conference. Participants in this event comprised officials from the agriculture ministry, private rice mills, farmers, the National Planning Commission (NPC), National Agricultural Research Council (NARC), development agencies, and cooperatives.

During the one-and-a-half-day session, the conference delved into three key areas of discussion. Session I highlighted the development of a private sector-led sustainable rice market system. Session II focused on gaining an international perspective, exploring innovation, and learning from the rice value chain. Session III concentrated on formulating strategies for achieving self-sufficiency in rice to address the growing trade imbalance.

The conference concluded with a declaration from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development outlining its commitment to bridging the gaps in the rice sector. The emphasis was on encouraging quality investments and implementing a rice budget code system. The government called for enhanced coordination, the creation of an enabling environment for the private sector, and the use of fiscal instruments to support these efforts. Furthermore, the Ministry urged reforms in the Agricultural Development Strategy, emphasizing the need to strengthen the capacity of the private sector. The continuous prioritization of key rice varieties was highlighted as crucial for sustained growth in Nepal's rice sector.
