Dr. James Joshi is a professor of the School of Computing and Information at the University of Pittsburgh, and the director/co-founder of the Laboratory of Education and Research on Security-Assured Information Systems (LERSAIS). From Sept 2019 to Aug 31, 2023, he served as a Program Director in the Computer and Network System (CNS) division and its Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program at the U.S. National Science Foundation. He also served as the Co-Chair of the Privacy Interagency Working Group of the Networking and Information Technology R&D (NITRD), as well as the NITRD Fast Track Action Committees for (1) Advancing Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing and Analytics (PPDSA) that produced the National Strategy to Advance PPDSA in 2023; and (2) Digital Assets R&D Agenda (till Aug 2023). He also served in the NITRD CSIA Cybersecurity R&D National Strategy Task Force. He received his MS in CS and Ph.D. in ECE degrees from Purdue University in 1998 and 2003, respectively
He is an IEEE Fellow, an ACM Distinguished Member, a Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association, and an IEEE CS Golden Core member. His research is focused broadly on cybersecurity and privacy areas including advanced access control models, security and privacy of distributed systems and AI/ML, and trust management. He is a recipient of the NSF CAREER award in 2006. He had earlier established and managed the NSF CyberCorp Scholarship for Service program at Pitt. He had established LERSAIS/Pitt as an NSA-designated Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (both CAE Education and CAE Research). He has served as a program co-chair and/or general co-chair of several international conferences/workshops. At Pitt, he had earlier served as the Chair of the School of Information Science (SIS) Council, the main governing body of the school.
He currently serves as the founding Steering Committee chair of the following co-located International IEEE conferences: Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC); Trust, Privacy and Security of Intelligent Systems, and Applications (TPS); and Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI). He served as the Editor-In-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Services Computing from 2017-2021. He has published over 150 articles as book chapters and papers in journals, conferences, and workshops, and has served as a special issue editor of several journals including IEEE TSC, Elsevier Computer & Security, ACM TOPS, Springer MONET, IJCIS, and Information Systems Frontiers. His research has been supported by NSF, NSA/DoD, and Cisco. He established the first undergraduate degree program in Computer science and Engineering in Nepal while he was at Kathmandu University.
He is an IEEE Fellow, an ACM Distinguished Member, a Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association, and an IEEE CS Golden Core member. His research is focused broadly on cybersecurity and privacy areas including advanced access control models, security and privacy of distributed systems and AI/ML, and trust management. He is a recipient of the NSF CAREER award in 2006. He had earlier established and managed the NSF CyberCorp Scholarship for Service program at Pitt. He had established LERSAIS/Pitt as an NSA-designated Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (both CAE Education and CAE Research). He has served as a program co-chair and/or general co-chair of several international conferences/workshops. At Pitt, he had earlier served as the Chair of the School of Information Science (SIS) Council, the main governing body of the school.
He currently serves as the founding Steering Committee chair of the following co-located International IEEE conferences: Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC); Trust, Privacy and Security of Intelligent Systems, and Applications (TPS); and Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI). He served as the Editor-In-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Services Computing from 2017-2021. He has published over 150 articles as book chapters and papers in journals, conferences, and workshops, and has served as a special issue editor of several journals including IEEE TSC, Elsevier Computer & Security, ACM TOPS, Springer MONET, IJCIS, and Information Systems Frontiers. His research has been supported by NSF, NSA/DoD, and Cisco. He established the first undergraduate degree program in Computer science and Engineering in Nepal while he was at Kathmandu University.
Homepage: https://www.sis.pitt.edu/jjoshi/